
Viva La Educación is a one year project to raise funds for essential classroom and teaching equipment to be shipped to Cuban schools in 2022/23.
It aims to support pupils and teachers in Cuba by providing educational supplies which are in short supply due to the 60-year-old US blockade.
Cuba has some of the best education indicators in Latin America. Its achievements in literacy and further education compare well with others in the region. However Cuban students often have to make do without many of the basic necessities that we take for granted.
Pens, pencils, notebooks, paper, school bags and sports equipment are just some of the items that are scarce in Cuban schools. Teachers also face difficulties obtaining resources to help them plan, teach and share lessons.
Although Cuba spends more of its GDP (10% in 2015) on education than many other nations, the cruel US blockade of the island means that many items are either not accessible or are more expensive due to increased transportation costs.
Viva La Educación is fundraising to buy educational materials from pens and pencils, to notebooks and school bags, and laptops and sports equipment. Fans for classrooms, external hard drives and memory sticks are also needed, together with Braille machines, special educational needs equipment, arts and crafts items and much more. A full list of needs from the SNTECD (Cuban education union) is available on request.
We aim to raise money to source and purchase these resources in the UK for Cuban schools and to pay to ship them to Cuba. We are also interested in hearing from people who may have access to large quantities of educational materials, or contacts with suppliers who may be able to help us access the equipment needed.
You can support Viva La Educación by donating to the project, organising fundraising events, and publicising the appeal in your school/workplace/trade union/community.
If you have contacts with educational suppliers who may be able to help, or have large quantities of any of the equipment listed which you think may be suitable to donate, please contact us at office@vivaeducacion.org.uk
Viva La Educación was launched in January 2022 by the National Education Union (NEU), Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC), Music Fund for Cuba, and Cuba’s education union (SNTECD). It builds on previous successful appeals, including ‘Play for Cuba’ which shipped two 40 ft containers with more than 4,000 musical instruments to Cuba in 2019, and our ‘Braille Machines for Cuba’ appeal which has delivered more than 45 machines to schools for blind and visually impaired children.
If your union or organisation would like to sponsor the appeal please get in contact.