“I am really pleased that we are working on the Viva la Educación Cuba appeal, fundraising for educational resources for schools to be shipped to the island in 2022. The US blockade affects every area of life in Cuba but it is particularly cruel to disrupt and affect children’s education. By sending materials such as exercise books, sports equipment and many of the things we take for granted here we can make a contribution to supporting our colleagues in Cuba and once again show that we can do something very practical to help break the illegal blockade.
I very much hope that NEU members and districts will get involved and support this amazing project.”
Daniel Kebede, President, NEU
Viva La Educación is supported by the National Education Union, the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, UK charity the Music Fund for Cuba, and Cuba’s teaching union the SNTECD.
With thanks to other national organisation for supporting the appeal including

And all the following donors (updated on 1 April 2023)
NEU Barking & Dagenham
NEU Birmingham District
NEU Bolton
NEU Brent
NEU Bromley District
NEU Buckinghamshire District
NEU Cambridgeshire
NEU Camden District
NEU Ceredigion
NEU City of Preston District
NEU Croydon
NEU Cumbria
NEU East Northants
NEU East Riding
NEU Hillingdon
NEU Kirklees
NEU Lancaster, Morecambe & District
NEU Liverpool
NEU Medway
NEU Norfolk District
NEU North East Essex
NEU North Somerset
NEU North Yorkshire
NEU Northern Region
NEU Rochdale District
NEU Rotherham District
NEU Somerset District
NEU Southampton District
NEU Southwark
NEU Stockport
NEU Stockton
NEU Surrey District
NEU Swansea
NEU Tameside
NEU Vale of Glamorgan
NEU Walsall
NEU Waltham Forest
NEU Warwickshire
NEU West Sussex
NEU Westminster
NEU Wigan District
ASLEF Brighton
ASLEF Bristol Branch
ASLEF Exeter
ASLEF Faversham
ASLEF Gateshead & Newcastle Branch
ASLEF Leeds Branch
ASLEF Longsight Branch
ASLEF Manchester Piccadilly No.1 Branch
ASLEF National
ASLEF Newton Heath
ASLEF Piccadilly Line Branch, London Underground
ASLEF Retired Members Section
ASLEF Salisbury
ASLEF Sheffield Midland Branch No.185
ASLEF Toton 216
ASLEF Waterloo Nine Elms
Christchurch, Redruth
CLP Ceredigion
CLP Wigton
Coop Party Harlow
Coventry TUC
CSC Birmingham
CSC Brighton
CSC Bristol
CSC Derbyshire
CSC Manchester
CSC North London
CSC Oxford
CSC Sheffield
CSC South London
CWU National
Cymru Cuba (South Wales)
National Assembly of Women
NAW West London Branch
RMT Colchester
Scottish CSC
Socialist Educational Association East
TSSA National
UNISON All Wales Health Branch
UNISON Environment Agency North West
Unite Cardiff and Vale
Unite Dartford and Kent Branch
Unite LE/128
Unite LE/9708 London North West Branch
Unite Metal and Foundry Branch
Unite NE/203/5 Tyneside EEE
Unite NE/GEO/12 Branch
Unite SE/6217 Surrey and Sussex RTC
Unite SE/6235
Unite Stockport
Unite WM/5105
Unite WM/6030 Birmingham South Local
Unite Dublin ISS No 2 Branch
Unite EM/DE17 Branch
Unite EM/LE48 Branch
Unite EM/NG09 University of Nottingham
Unite in Community Coventry & Warks
Unite LE/1267
Unite LE/1365 Stansted Airport Branch
Unite LE/RM002
Unite London Print GPM LE/7031
Unite NE/300-29 Durham RTC Sectoral Branch
Unite NE/GEO/1 Sheffield
Unite NE/GEO/22 (Huddersfield) Branch
Unite NI/B0007 Newry
Unite NI/B0029
Unite North East Region
Unite North West Region
Unite NW/0121 Bolton & District
Unite NW/0176 Burnley Branch
Unite NW/0541
Unite SE/6006 Berkshire Healthcare and CPHVA
Unite SE/6144
Unite SE/6162 (CMA Invicta) Branch
Unite SE/6224 Milton Keynes
Unite SE/6235
Unite South West Region
Unite Stockport NW/0877
Unite SW/1001999 Bristol Retired Members Branch
Unite WA/67049 Mid Wales Branch
Unite WA/B1047 Cardiff Manufacturing
Unite WA/B1048 Cardiff Services Energy Branch
Unite WA/B5001 North West Wales Rtd Membs Branch
Unite West Midlands Region
Unite WM/6030 Birmingham South Local
Unite WM/6141 Cannock Branch
Unite WM/7687
Tim Adams
Shihab Ahamed
Paul Ames
Tariq Anderson
Paul Andrews
Rasheed Araeen
Cecilia Astolfi
J.B. Atkinson
Cath Attlee
Tari Atwal
Jan Badland
Dr Juan Baeza
Roger Baker
Dave Baker
David Beadle
Molly Beirne
Hannah Bellsham-Revell
Amanda Bentham
Myra Berg
Iris Biblowitz
Christine Bickerstaff
Frank Black
Lorena Blecic
Ron Booth
Geoffrey Bottoms
Ray Brayford
Christine Bridger
Alfie Bridges-Smith
Nigel Briggs
M.M.R. Brinklow
Robert Brinkworth
Susan Britton
John Brooke
William Broom
David Brown
Janet Bungener
Carel Buxton
Edmond Carberry
Barbara Carney
Michael Carr
David Cartwright
Tony Chafer
Philip Chambers
Sian Charnley
G. Chillingworth
Imti Choonara
Saki Choudhury
J.D. Clark
Stephanie Clark
Linda Clarke
E. Clements
Paul Clyndes
Richard Cole
Patrick Connolly
Cecilia Corzo
Steven Costin
Mark Crampton
Granville David Credland
Bryan Crookes
David Crosher
Esteban Cuevas Raposo
Kevin Barry Curran
Jane Daly
Peter Dawson
Alex Devare
Martin Docherty
Peter Dockrell
D. Donaldson
Khosrow Doroodian
Barbara Dotti
Mike Dukes
David Eatock
Brendan Enright
Patricia Fairey
Graeme Farnell
Roderick Fawcett
Stephen Fawcett
David Finney
Teresa Flavin
Tom Flaws
Anthony Foody
Kieran Foody
Michael Foody
Yvonne Foody
Martyn Foss
Alex Fradley
Helena France
Paul Francis
Lois Frith
Brian Frost
Frank Gaffney
Rachael Garcia
Colin Gaskell
Patrick Gavigan
Lea Georgiades
Nick Gold
Jonathan Graham
Janice Green
Simon Gulliver
Aden Gungaloo
Shane Halliwell
Liz Hamilton
Chris Hancock
John Hargrave
Nigel Harkness
Karen Harvey
Lin Harwood
Michael Hauxwell
Hilary Haynes
Stuart Heath
David Heywood
Gert Hillebrand
Patricia Hindson
David Hoadley
Liz Hobbs
Brinley Hodges
Ross Holden
Helen Holden
B.T. Holden
Andrew Holdich
Jacqueline Horsewood
Colin Horwood
Carol Howard
Stuart Hyslop
David Jenkins
Richard Kane
Dorothy Kellegher
John Keller
Andrew Kewell
Peter Kilvert
Phil King
David Kirby
Tim Knight
Rose and Phil Knight
Lynne & Tony Korniak
Roland Laycock
Denis Lenihan
Brian Light
Gaynor Lloyd
Catriona Logan
Sue Lowe
Richard Lown
J.M. Lubbock
Marie Lynam
Judith Mabbott
Rita Machin
Richard Manser
Julie Mantell
Dolores Maroto-Jodar
Steve Marsling
Nick Matthews
David and Sheila McGeoch
Thomas McGoldrick
Dorothy McLean
Isobel McMillan
A.H. Mercer
Hugh Meteyard
Caroline Michie
Seymour Millen
Juliet Miller
Pat Mitchell
Elizabeth Moberly
Thomas Moffat
Richard Moore
Mary Patricia Morgan
Gerwyn Owen Moseley
Toby Moss
L.T. Muir
Dr Rahul Mukherjee
Murdo Murray
Luke Nicholas
Grahame Nicholls
Joan Norton
G. Ogden
Maureen O’Leary
Maria Fernanda Oliveira
Mary Ollett
Jan O’Malley
Janet Osterley
Carol Ostick
Keith and Jill Owen
Gulsum Ozcan
Carol Packham
Beryl Pankhurst
Russell Patterson
Sebastian Peady
Roshan Pedder
David Penfold
Alan Pennington
Nadia Perkins
David Peters
Michael Pinsker
Susie Plant
Heather Pomroy
Tom Purdie
Chris Purnell
Danny Quinlan
David Lander Raby
Joanne Richardson
Janet Richmond
Emrys Roberts
Brendan Rolle-Rowan
Alan Rose
Gillian Ross
Stan Rupa
Andrea Sacchi
Maxine Sadza
T. Salam
Sylvia Salmon
Yelena Sanchez Quintana
J.K. Sayers
John Scally
Matthew Screech
Phil Sedler
Kenneth Senior
Giles B. Shorter
Eileen Simpson
Amanda Skull
Robert J. Smith
T.P. Smith
L.D. Smith
Sean D. Smith
Jonathan Smith
John Smith
Janet Snell
Julia South
Malcolm Souza-Lewis
Roy St Pierre
Robert Steel
Caroline Stelling
Tamsin Stirling
Martin Stoolman
Rae Street
Darryl Sugg
Kerry Swatridge
Garth Tasker
I. Taylor
Sheila Taylor
Alan Tenanty
M. Thair
Louis Thompson
Francis Tonks
Shelagh Tooley
Trevor Tucker
Glyn Tudor
Patricia Turnbull
Tim Turner
William Tyson
Sjoerd Van De Wal
Naomi Wallace
T.S. Wallis
Ian and Kolina Walmsley
Ian Walton
Barrie Ward
Neil Wareham
Alison Watt
Jane Watt
Maria Westphal
Steven Whinnery
Paul Whitman
Kenneth Whittle
Mary Wilkins
Richard Ian Williams
Roy Williamson
Carol Wilson
Pam Wortley
John Yandell
Francis Zahar