Get Involved

As well as donating you can support Viva La Educación by publicising the appeal, encouraging others to donate, and organising and taking part in fundraising activities.
If you wish to arrange a local event or take part in a sponsored activity to raise funds and awareness we are happy to publicise it on our website, arrange a speaker and send you leaflets and resources.
It would be great to organise fundraising and awareness-raising events with schools, colleges and community groups to get people involved in the appeal.
We would be very happy to discuss, advise and assist with any activities you organise so do get in touch. For extra copies of our leaflets to distribute in your area please contact us at or call the Cuba Solidarity Campaign on 020 7490 5715.
If you have contacts with educational suppliers who may be able to help, or have large quantities of any of the equipment listed which you think may be suitable to donate, please contact Rob Miller, CSC director on to discuss. We particularly hope that NEU associations/districts and other union branches will support the appeal. We are happy to present details of the project at meetings with members and to get involved and support any activities you organise.